Saturday, September 4, 2010

FUN FACTs About: Award Show




(scene 1)
  • In the opening scene Elmo is knocking on the door all dressed up while Cindy still needs to get dressed for the Award Show.
  • The tie Elmo is wearing is actually (Dylan Valatrois's) Tie from his Aunts wedding when he was 5.
  • The reason why there was an Award Show in the first place was too most likely do an Internet Webshow for the fans of Funny Random Comedy.
  • Then Spidracula comes in with a nice outfit as well then Cindy starts to panick.
[Opening Credits]

(Scene 2)
  • This scene starts us with showing the decorative studio for the award show then Cindy and Big bird come in.
  • The first video that is shown is by "Venetian Princess" who is also Very famous on youtube showing her video "Spedi Free" which is a Parody of Britney spears "3".
(Scene 3)
  • Marvin is just making awards for the second person who is "Seal Boy".
  • Note this is a very Short scene
(Scene 4)
  • Marvin throws the Award at Elmo's head Which then he goes right backstage to give the Animal Seal boy his award.
  • Then the next part is when Spidracula is going to sing her song "Above Me Now" which is also Nancy Ovelmen's first single.
[Commericial Break]

(Scene 5)
  • When we come back from Commercial Break the next video shown is from an Early youtube video which is "Peanut butter Jelly fat kid" who dances most people on the internet have seen that.
  • The Next video after that is a REALLY REALLY REALLY Horrific and Disgusting video its this guy who is show his Eye balls right up close and what he can do with them.
  • By the way: We had to delete the next part which is Jibby dancing due to time length so we will put that video up on
  • This Next video for the Award show is an Asian flexible boy and he's very stretchy and he's doing all these tricks with his body.
(Scene 6)
  • Marvin is making more Awards and again this is a Short scene the only thing that happens is when Marvin starts dancing when Making awards.
(Scene 7)
  • After Cindy and Big bird show a Bottle Blowing video the Final Video the Award show is the "Queen Alien Sketch" from the Pilot Episode of Cindy and the tv show from the very first episode that i did i remember filming that so it was fun to put this back in and remind people about it.
[Commericial Break]

(Scene 8)
  • Cindy and Big bird are giving applauses out to everyone to end the Award Show which then after they do that they do abit titled "Dancing Time"
  • Which was suppose to be introduced in another episode titled "Roomies" but we will see that soon.
[End Credits]

Ok WELL THAT WAS FUN FACT'S i hope you Enjoy the episode tonight it was a FUN one to film because also MTV Came when we were filming it.


Shane Tune

P.S. NEW IN REALITY September 11th 2010 titled "On A Crazy Train" it comes on at 830pm DON'T MISS IT on Veoh. FUN FACTS WILL BE DONE

P.S. ANOTHER NEW In Reality September 18th 2010 titled "Blast into your Universe" it comes on at 830pm DON'T MISS IT on Veoh. FUN FACTS will be done and Ustream from Samantha Keiler

P.S. The Season 2 PREMIERE For Lucky Lucy is on September 24th 2010 at 730pm The Season 2 Premiere episode is titled "Crush Runs" DON'T MISS IT. FUN FACTS will be done for it.

P.S NEW Cindy And The TV Show September 25th 2010 titled "Racing" it comes on at 730pm DON'T MISS IT on Veoh. FUN FACTS will be done

P.S. NEW Lucky Lucy is on October 1, 2010 at 730pm DON'T MISS IT. titled "Texting" Ill be making one of the stars do a Ustream.

P.S. October 8, 2010 NEW LUCKY LUCY is on October 8 2010 at 730pm Green Ally goes to the Hospital. Will be doing a Q & A

P.S. NEW Cindy and the TV Show is on October 9, 2010 at 730pm "Scream for Halloween" DON'T MISS IT. FUN FACTs Will be done for it.

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