Saturday, September 11, 2010

FUN FACTs About: On A Crazy Train...

Ok so everyone has been Waiting for this episode of "In Reality" titled "On A Crazy Train" it is airing tonight and ALOT of people are excited i can tell its going to be a fun Episode. DON'T MISS IT.



(Scene 1)
  • In the opening scene we see that Karen is sending Matthew to go look for some fruit for abit.
  • This scene is funny because in the background you see a Monkey climbing in our shot and i know its a blooper but its a Has to keep.
  • Once Karen, Ciara and Cory hear a scream Cory just sprints into the forest to see whats going on and the Scream sounded like Matthews.
[Opening Credits]

(Scene 2)
  • In the second scene Karen and Ciara thinks that Cory and Matthew have been gone to long.
  • So when Jackie and Valerie hear what happened they decide to go into the forest as partners which Karen obviously bosses those two around to go into the forest and find Cory and Matthew.
  • By the way Christine Kerkins (Valerie) , Quincy Fortman (Jackie) and me all made a fun song on set when were bored titled "Were on a Train" it was funny we just did that with Quincy Fortman's guitar which he brought the days we filmed this episode so it was FUN.
(Scene 3)
  • Karen and Ciara are waiting for something to happen and glaring into the forest its so FUNNY both of them glaring at the same time.
  • I don't know if they can't STAND each other and still are some what enemy's or if they are just bored haha its sort of funny.
  • When Brad comes in with some fruit its funny because Karen and Ciara are still waiting for HOURS.
(Scene 4)
  • Brad Decides to join Karen and Ciara glaring into the forest since he finished lunch and has nothing better to do.
  • This scene is only 2 minutes of not much but its funny (Zoey Justice) , (Samantha Keiler) , and (Kody Lile) Faces its HILARIOUS.
[Commericial Break]

(Scene 5)
  • Its starting to get Hot out so Karen Ciara and Brad are starting to sweat and they have given up glaring for a while.
  • Again this is not too much of a Scene just a bunch of HILARIOUS faces.
(Scene 6)
  • Its getting Dark so Karen Ciara and Brad give up on waiting and they decide to go into the forest.
  • As you know Karen is bossing everyone Ciara is keeping quiet and Brad is just doing what he wants so everyone ignores Karen which is sort of FUNNY.
(Scene 7)
  • When the gang goes into the forest Karen, Ciara and Brad go into it Ciara is looking same with Brad and Karen see's then Valerie and Jackie together when they meet up they are more powerful as a group
  • This is just a hugging and meeting up again scene and it starts to get even darker it was like 7pm in In Reality time.
(Scene 8)
  • In this scene everyone is starting to get tired when its 9pm but not tired enough to stop. they then Next see Cory on the ground with a Sprained ankle which they needed to help him.
  • Now in the Next scene you will see something is wroung and mean when Cory has a Sprained ankle
  • Also i remeber when we shot this scene that Henry Vordaile was Laughing they put they put the log on him so Henry Vordaile is Ticklish.
  • Now the whole gang is walking Cory back to the camp since they can't go further to find Matthew so Val and Jackie are helping him and Karen , Brad and Ciara are trying to look for a Way back.
(Scene 9)
  • In The final scene Karen and the gang are walking back to camp when Suddenly out of the trees Matthew comes down scaring them to death.
  • When the whole thing of Matthew running and screaming in the forest was a Prank by matthew but not a fun one. So everyone starts yelling at Matthew espically Cory Karen Valerie Brad and Ciara while Jackie is chilled back.
  • Now this is funny sort of because when Ryan Gouche (Matthew) was jumping out of the tree Ryan Gouche almost crashed the first time he did it and Ryan Gouche is a good stunt man. So this is sort of relatable to what happened in the episode.
[The End]

Ok Well i HOPE you guys ENJOY this episode its a fun one we Shot ALL DAY Straight this whole episode so it was a FUN Adventure. People have been asking me if Christine Kerkins , Quincy Fortman and Kody Lile is going to get twitter. Um i don't think Kody is going to get twitter but Quincy said he might and Christine Kerkins ive ALMOST breakin her into getting it so we will see what HAPPENS???

P.S. NEW In Reality Next Weekend "Blast Into your Universe" At 830pm DON'T MISS IT. FUN FACT's will be done for it So Don't miss it. and Samantha Keiler will be doing a USTREAM after it airs so DON'T MISS IT ON VEOH.

P.S. The LUCKY LUCY Season 2 Premiere is September 24th at 730pm The episode is titled "Crush Run's". And FUN FACT's will be done for it.

P.S. NEW Cindy And The TV Show Saturday September 25th at 730pm "Racing" is the title. FUN FACT's will be done for it so Don't miss it.

P.S. NEW Lucky Lucy titled "Texting" on October 1st ONE OF THE STARS i think Madison Rabbide will be doing a USTREAM when it airs.

P.S. NEW Lucky Lucy titled "Green Ally Goes to The Hospital on October 8th There will be a Q & A for that one.

P.S. NEW Cindy And The TV Show Saturday October 9th at 730pm "Scream For Halloween" which is a HALLOWEEN Special Episode. DON'T MISS IT Fun FACT's will be done for it.



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