Tuesday, December 29, 2009

FUN FACTs About: Enemies & Bullied

NOTE: Below here is a spoiler alert so do not continue to read if you don't like spoilers


(Scene 1)

In the first scene Cindy & Pooh are arguing.

(Scene 2)
In The second scene Big bird, Elmo, Marvin and Jibby are all trying to open a package.

(Scene 3)
In the third scene Cindy is with a spear and is training with a spear.

(Scene 4)
In the fourth scene Cindy is at the Karate olympics where she versuses pooh.

(Scene 5)
In the final scene Big bird, Marvin and Jibby get the package open.

[Ending Credits]

(Scene 1)
Cindy and Big bird sketch Mom & Daughter
(Scene 2)
Big bird tells everyone her friend is coming
(Scene 3)
Big bird and cindy meet Melanie
(Scene 4)
Switcheroo Sketch
(Scene 5)
Cindy Elmo Marvin Spidracula and Max are all ready to tell Big bird something about Melanie
(Scene 6)
Cindy gets in a fight with Melanie when comforting her.
(Scene 7)
Cindy Big bird and Melanie are in trouble with Scooby.
(Scene 8)
Cindy is singing a song titled "Stand Up"
(Scene 9)
[End Credits]

Tonight is also the new years cindy and the tv show countdown check out Seth Hilton, Linda Soma, Dylan Valatrois, Jemm Tedd, and Nancy Ovelmen @Veoh new years.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

FUN FACTS About: "Wedding"

Note: Below is Some Spoiler so this is a spolier alert

Scene 1
In The First Scene Cindy and Big bird hear a noise and they go see that their are new people Moving in.
Scene 2
In The Second Scene Cindy is holding a purse and trying to get Big bird and Spidracula's Opinion on the purse's.
Scene 3
Marvin And Elmo are freaking out at each other in this scene.
Scene 4
Cindy And the new neigh-bours are exchanging gifts.
Scene 5
Cindy gets a rose as a gift.
Scene 6
Marvin And Elmo are spinning a Globe
Scene 7
Spidracula is fixing a dress for Cindy.
Scene 8
Cindy is walking down a wedding ille
Scene 9
Pooh comes back and starts a fight at the wedding
Scene 10
Cindy,Pooh,Big Bird, And Spidracula are all partying in their room.

Hope you liked the Spoilers but you will see more in the episode.

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