Thursday, November 5, 2009

FUN FACTS About: "Wedding"

Note: Below is Some Spoiler so this is a spolier alert

Scene 1
In The First Scene Cindy and Big bird hear a noise and they go see that their are new people Moving in.
Scene 2
In The Second Scene Cindy is holding a purse and trying to get Big bird and Spidracula's Opinion on the purse's.
Scene 3
Marvin And Elmo are freaking out at each other in this scene.
Scene 4
Cindy And the new neigh-bours are exchanging gifts.
Scene 5
Cindy gets a rose as a gift.
Scene 6
Marvin And Elmo are spinning a Globe
Scene 7
Spidracula is fixing a dress for Cindy.
Scene 8
Cindy is walking down a wedding ille
Scene 9
Pooh comes back and starts a fight at the wedding
Scene 10
Cindy,Pooh,Big Bird, And Spidracula are all partying in their room.

Hope you liked the Spoilers but you will see more in the episode.

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