Saturday, September 25, 2010

FUN FACTs About: Racing

So today is the Racing Episode for Cindy its GOING TO BE EXCITING !!! :) So here is the FUN FACTs to the episode.




(Scene 1)
  • In the Opening Scene for the episode Cindy comes in while Big Bird, Spidracula, Elmo and Marvin are starring at a Piece of Paper. So FUNNY
  • In this scene after Cindy and the gang talk for abit about a Race Pooh (Marc Fallshton) is BACK!
[Opening Credits]

(Scene 2)
  • Cindy Marvin Elmo and Spidracula are in a garage just making there vehicles when Cindy Can't even make one.
  • Cindy is trying to figure out to Fix a vehicle for like hours and days.
  • In this scene Seth had so much trouble walking and i remember he tripped once but it was Seth's fault because she was wearing those CRAZY HEELS. hhahaha
  • The song being played in this is SO AWESOME and you should all know how to "BOOM BOOM POW".
(Scene 3)
  • Cindy and Big bird are talking when Big bird admits a Secret that no one else knows from when she was younger which will help Cindy.
[Commercial Break]

(Scene 4)
  • Its a few days later at Funny Random comedy and Big bird has a car which is a Honda what it looks on the outside as mentioned its the base of the race car and we used my actual honda that i have had for 10 Years or more.
  • Also in this Scene Pooh comes back starting to irritate Cindy which i know alot of "Cooh" shippings will love.
(Scene 5)
  • Its time for FUNNY RANDOM COMEDY in this scene and its a FUN NEW SKETCH Called "Lily Lieing Lessons" haha 3 L's funny or what.
  • This Sketch will be up on after the episode of Cindy that airs tonight.
  • I Don't want to spoil this Scene much so ill just move onto the NEXT SCENE The Big race.
(Scene 6)
  • Ok Now this is the BIG SCENE everyone has been waiting for the BIG RACE it was funny Big Bird had some Concern for Cindy in this scene so maybe that means there getting closer to being friends. Usually its Cindy being concerned.
  • NOW when the Big Studio race starts they are in race cars the song that is being played is by Lindsay Lohan "First" i think it Matched the episode so well and it was Played in the PROMO! Also Lindsay Lohan i know has been to Jail and been doing bad things lately but we got to remember she has some good things out there such as the song First.
  • I REALLY LOVE This scene of the episode it was SO MUCH FUN to film probably one of my favourite scenes i have filmed in all of Cindy and the tv show this was the funnest with the Car flips and stuff. But there are some Upcoming episodes of Cindy that have CRAZY Scenes that i loved to film so check out for that.
  • Now this part of the episode Cindy starts to get guilty about her car and you will find out why which she does something that i don't know was she doing it for Pooh or for her conscience its good to have some Mystery.
(Scene 7)
  • In the ending Scene Cindy and Big bird have a NICE moment again this might mean they will be friends maybe.... you will have to watch to find out.
  • There is a SCENE 8 which has a Moment with Cindy and Pooh talking which will be unveiled in an Upcoming episode which you will have to wait for ...
  • This Scene was DELETED due to Time length. So Don't be mad! it will be shown eventually.

P.S. NEW Lucky Lucy titled "Texting" on October 1st ONE OF THE STARS i think Madison Rabbide will be doing a USTREAM when it airs.

P.S. NEW Lucky Lucy titled "Green Ally Goes to The Hospital on October 8th There will be a Q & A for that one.

P.S. NEW Cindy And The TV Show Saturday October 9th at 730pm "Scream For Halloween" which is a HALLOWEEN Special Episode. DON'T MISS IT Fun FACT's will be done for it.

P.S. NEW Lucky Lucy titled "Henry Jones Get's Fired" which has SPECIAL GUEST STAR "Linda Soma" who plays Big bird on Cindy And The TV Show she is back ON THE SHOW!!! Don't Miss it we filmed that episode like a week ago.

P.S. NEW In Reality Saturday October 16th at 830pm "Video Diary's" It is a Flashback episode. DON'T Miss it , I might do A Q & A, Maybe FUN FACT's which there is not much too it. I think we will do A Picture Contest With baby stars and guessing game. So DON'T MISS IT!!!! or the episode

By The Way thats ALL THE EPISODE'S Airing for October! So Don't Miss any of those :) AND WATCH Lucky Lucy TONIGHT!! ON VEOH


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