Friday, August 20, 2010

In Reality CANCELLED!!!!!!!

Ok so Some EXTREME SAD NEWS!!!!!!!! Today i just got 1 hour ago ummm well GUESS WHAT??????????

By the title of this Blog "IN REALITY GOT CANCELLED"
i don't know why but im sad because In Reality is my Child show :( i LOVED it but the reason why is because In Reality hasn't really been watched much so Veoh is pulling it off Air. Im sort of sad im not aloud to do one LAST Series finale episode but anyways i will be doing the first episode of Season 2 filming on Saturday and Sunday while working on a NEW Cindy and the tv show that airs September 4 titled "Award Show" ;) this weekend. But um its sort of sad we haven't seen much yet i was planning more for this show and its only our Second Season :( its such a shame its being cancelled because i had alot planned and now im crying this is my third show to be CANCELLED!!! my first show as you all know that was first cancelled was "The Birtney show" back in 2002 it got cancelled, Then the second show cancelled was "Stupid girls" back in 2008 now this is Happening :( so SAD i cry when my SHOWS get cancelled its NO FUN at all. So for Season 2 of In Reality there's only 8 more episodes being worked on for the season then thats it for the SERIES. sad but there will be 14 episodes left to be aired of In Reality SO SAD.


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