Saturday, September 15, 2012

Cindy And The TV Show Ending!

Okay, first things first…

There is a whole NEW SEASON of Cindy And The TV Show coming your way.  We are currently filming shooting 14 new episodes, and they're amazing, we only shot 4 episodes of the 14. Which there are also 3 more episodes left of this season of Cindy And The TV Show so currently 7 episodes. If you love Cindy And The TV Show, I feel sure you'll love the NEW episodes coming!

By now, a lot of you have heard that Cindy And The TV Show will not be returning after the 4th season.  That is true.  

Please understand: Almost all Veoh Kids live-action shows have a life span of about 3-4 seasons.  We made around 60-80 episodes of In Reality… of Lucky Lucy… of Stupid Girls... and we made 40 episodes of The Brittany Show… and all those shows were big hits.

I've heard some people use the word "canceled" – which isn't accurate in this case.  The term "canceled" is usually used when a TV show gets poor ratings, causing the network to end the show early.  TV shows that aren't doing wellget canceled.

Ratings for Cindy And The TV Show have always been very high (still are), thanks to the FANS.  Also, just last month, Cindy And The TV Show was nominated and won for three VKAs.

We're all extremely proud of the show, and all we've accomplished.

But coming in 2013 there will be a few new projects which I will be working on... such as...

I am working on a new show titled "Dance to the Rhythm" which it is coming out in spring 2013. As well as a spin-off show for Cindy And The TV Show called "Spidracula" which is as well coming sometime in 2013. 

Also – and it's really important that you know this – the network's decision about Cindy And The TV Show had nothing to do with "Dance to the Rhythm" or "Marc & Arlin's Rocking Mystic Adventures".  I promise.  Even if there was no "Dance to the Rhythm" and no "Marc & Arlin's Rocking Mystic Adventures" – the network still would have ended Cindy And The TV Show after its 104-episode run.

I know that some of you are upset and angry – and while I feel terrible about that, I'm also flattered by it.  I really appreciate that you care so much.  It means you love the show, which makes me feel very proud.  

Remember: Stay psyched about the 19 new episodes of Cindy And The TV Show coming your way!

And I hope you'll continue to support me, and all the stars of Cindy And The TV Show.  I can almost guarantee you – they will make a big impact on the future of entertainment.

And finally... of course... I will keep making the best, funniest TV shows I know how to make, for as long as people have fun watching them.

I'll see you online later, and I'll try to answer some of your questions.

Thanks for listening.  As always, please be nice to each other. :)


–Shane White (a.k.a. Shane Tune)

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