Saturday, September 15, 2012

Fall 2012

Hey! Shane White here, typing this on a relaxing Saturday Night. I've been getting LOTS of people online asking when certain Cindy And The TV Show and Paralyzed episodes will be on TV. So, here are some answers for you…

(After you read all this, PLEASE COMMENT BELOW!) 

This Month (September) has great stuff coming up...

PARALYZED: Saturday, September 22nd at 8:30pm – It's the premiere of Paralyzed "Power Outage On The Air" – This episode is very fun and it was funny to see the cast all freak out in the studio it kind of was based off of the Cindy And The TV Show episode "The Storm" (Back in Season 1) same similar idea where there stuck in the studio. It was very fun to shoot an episode like this. Its also the first day of fall what a great way to start the leaves changing.

PARALYZED: Saturday, September 29th at 8:30pm – On Saturday, September 29th you get to see Richard (Henry Vordaile) making a big audition which he is possibly going to leave Paralyzed and this episode is full of laughter it is titled "Richards Big Audition" (which i hope everyone gets laughs at and it was a more challenging episode to make).

The Second thing is a new episode of Cindy And The TV Show called "3D On TV"(think "3 Dimensions"). It premieres September 22nd at 7pm. I'm actually in editing right now, working on it. Want some hints about the episode? Okay! Just highlight the area below (between the two rows of blue equal signs) and you'll see some secret info about "3D On TV"SPOILER ALERT...

  • Elmo and Marvin decide they want to be more then just camera men and back ups. They want to host Funny Random Comedy.
  • Big bird and Lulu become side kicks.
  • Everyones eyes go out of control from 3D Funny Random Comedy for the first time ever.ship forever


These new episodes of Cindy And The TV Show is just as weird as the Paralyzed episodes. The Action is AMAZING, and the "dramatic sitcom" format is one of the most insane things I've ever written/produced. For now, let's just say it's a very, very, very different way of doing a sitcom show. I think (hope) you'll love it and laugh along with cry your eyebrows off (they'll grow back).


October has LOTS of cool stuff coming. you'll see an episode of Paralyzed that might be having a BIG SPECIAL MUSICAL GUEST STAR (don't want to give too much away). Also for Paralyzed we might be doing a Parodies of different type of famous bands i don't want too spoil too much Maybe. Just maybe.

And there's an Cindy And The TV Show special event episode on OCTOBER 5TH which its titled "Cindy And The Secret". Again, I don't want to say too much here, but this episode might… just might be revealing a lot of Underhollywood to the world. This is an Cindy And The TV Show episode that will be seen my many thousands of people all over the world, so you probably don't want to miss this one. It has got to be one of the most REVELATION Type episode there is. :)

And also the same day right after, on an upcoming episode of Cindy And The TV Show, There is going to be a SECOND BLOOPER EPISODE of Cindy And The TV Show called "BLOOPER-STICIOUS 2: BLOOPERS ON AIR" and it's 1,000,000% AWESOME and some people from PARALYZED might be on it.

And to end the year there will be  the PREMIERE of THE FIRST EVER "PARALYZED MOVIE" which comes out in November or December. It is going to be VERY EXCITING if you like listening to the radio you will love watching Paralyzed BE READY for the FIRST PARALYZED MOVIE REPLACING THE STATION and it is one of my favourite Paralyzed episodes of all time. i won't give too much away until the time comes closer.

Okay, that should be enough to keep us busy over the fall. I'm really looking forward to your feedback on these episodes – I love hearing what makes you guys smile and laugh the most.

As for now, I'm staying VERY BUSY because I'm in production on both Cindy And The TV Show, Paralyzed at the same time. It's been really interesting so far. I'm spending part of my days in a room with the Cindy And The TV Show writers, coming up with new episodes… and then I spend the other part of my day in a room with the Paralyzed writers, doing the same. It's going to be a wild and wacky (and BUSY) FALL 2012, but I'm really looking forward to all the action and comedy.

I feel incredibily lucky because I love working on all 4 Cindy And The TV Show, Lucky Lucy, In Reality and Paralyzed. I swear, the casts of these shows are made up of the most talented, nicest, coolest people you could ever meet: Tiffany Tyler ("Taylor"), Denise Ape Cigarillo ("Peter"),Seth Hilton ("Cindy"), Michelle Sourak ("Katelyn"), Violet Henderson ("Peach"), James Barret ("Matthew/Moptthew"), Tisa Lisa Martinez("Lulu"), Nancy Ovelmen ("Spidracula"), Linda Soma ("Big Bird), Bridget Maller ("Madison"), Freddie Stome ("Jibby"), Jemm Tedd ("Marvin"), Dylan Valatrois ("Elmo") and of course Henry Vordaile ("Richard").

If you ever happen to check out my Youtube videos, you'll get a little taste of the fun we all have on set, every day.

Finally, a huge THANK YOU to the FANS of all four of these shows. The enthusiam, support, and loyatly we get from you guys truly motivates us to keep making even funnier episodes. We love making you laugh, so thank you for tuning in and giving us the opportunity to do that.

And before I go, here's a fun little piece of news for you…

In 2012, I might be creating a brand new TV series for you for 2013. Yep. After Sketchie… and The Brittany Show… and Sky High… and On The Way… and Stupid Girls… andCindy And The TV Show… and Lucky Lucy… and In Reality… and Paralyzed..(whew!)… I'm thinking the time might be right to start filming a new TV show.

It's funny… I hear lots of rumors about what my next show will be about. I read stuff online, and I even hear rumors spread by people in my world… but none of the rumors are true! I think you'll be very surprised and excited by my next TV series. More on that to come in the weeks ahead...

I think that's all for now. In the meantime, if you'd like, feel free to...

---> Check out my YouTube channel

---> Follow me on Twitter at:

---> "Like" me on Facebook

---> Watch Seth Hilton's Music Video "My Los Angeles Dream" On September 22nd on YOUTUBE.

---> Watch Cindy And The TV Show NEW episode 3D On TV September 22nd at 7pm on Veoh Kids.

---> Watch PARALYZED Power Outage On The Air & Richard's Big Audition September 22nd and 29th at 830pm same times.

---> Watch Cindy And The TV Show NEW One Hour Special "Cindy And The Secret" October 5th at 9pm followed by Blooper-Sticious 2: Bloopers On Air at 10pm. 


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