Saturday, March 5, 2011

FUN FACTs: Spacing Out

Hey guys its Shane White the creator of Cindy And The TV Show and TONIGHT there is a SPECIAL Episode of Cindy And The TV Show titled "Spacing Out". I wanted to do alot of things for this episode for you guys to watch it! such as giving Sneak peaks, Promo's, behind the scenes, pictures it all. But here is the FUN FACTs




(Scene 1)
  • In the opening Scene the whole Funny Random comedy is answering phone calls from there fan's.
  • Ok it was so hard keeping Elmo on that table straight haha but it was really funny scene.
  • If you didn't know i made a few behind the scene video's when we filmed this scene CLICK HERE and VIDEO 2 CLICK HERE
  • This Scene had alot of issues but was really funny and fun it
  • This Scene is also the only scene we have in the Funny Random comedy studio for this episode.
[Opening Credits]

(Scene 2)
  • In this second scene its very short and its only 30 seconds long but its our last scene of the episode where were in our normal set for sure not much is in this scene.
(Scene 3)
  • In this part we start at the Space station in the episode and not much happens in this scene.
  • We used alot of Green screen to film this and when you see the Behind the scene making of Spacing out you will see the difference and its totally imaginary this whole scene.
  • The Screens everything is totally imaginary in this episode.
  • After everything is explained to the Funny Random comedy cast they meet there competition which is a Parody of Max (Martin Salibe) which i hope gives you a reminder of him and Max was Elmo & Marvin's in Season 1 of Cindy And The TV Show if you remember.
  • The second half of this scene we are doing a bunch of competitions which is on Imaginary arena's.
  • Here is TWO VIDEOS from when we were filming this Scene CLICK HERE and CLICK HERE
  • In the back of the second Video you can see some Green Screen which will be shown alot more stuff in the actual thing.
  • By the way the song were playing that has the beat in the back is a song most teenagers like which is Deadmau5 "I Remember".
(Scene 4)
  • In this scene Cindy, Big bird, Lulu, Marvin, Elmo & Spidracula are in a Space pod and are waiting for 48 hours to see who get's space madness or not.
  • This scene i found very funny Big bird and Elmo were fighting which also leads towards something it made this episode so funny.
  • Cindy with her trying to calm everyone down is very loud haha i learn't that in writing & filming this episode.
  • Lulu & Marvin are also funny with there little fight.
  • I know alot of you have been lately saying Lulu is a useless character and she is just another Cindy and was to replace Max. Well no she wasn't used exactly for replacing Max but to her character there's alot more then her being like Cindy and being Cindy's new best friend. In this episode your gonna see a little more of her character unwrapped. Also by the way Lulu (Tisa Lisa Martinez) has only been in 4 episodes so far that have aired that you have seen. Her character need's time to unwrap by the end of the season you might see more of her. In this episode you see her mean side in this episode but i can't tell you much about it until you see it.
  • Here is a Behind the scene video of me talking to Cindy Larvae (Seth Hilton) about the Spacing Out episode CLICK HERE.
[Commercial Break]

(Scene 5)
  • Now in this part its very Crazy haha and i can't tell you what happens but alot does happen in this scene.
  • This Scene again they are still in the space pod so its basically the same i don't want to say much.
(Scene 6)
  • Ok! this scene i have to skip i don't want to even talk about this scene cause its to good for you to know what's happening.
(Scene 7)
  • This scene they are back in the space station after 36 + 12= 48 hours i can't tell you why i calculated like that.
  • The Billionaire Charlie Andrews is telling them something amazing that is happening with the space program.
  • This scene i found very powerful and exciting and will change Funny Random Comedy as we know it.
The Last Scene 8 would totally spoil the whole episode for you so i don't want to leak anything but that is the FUN FACTs i hope you enjoy the NEW SPECIAL Episode of Cindy And The TV Show tonight on Veoh Kids at 7pm. So Please Enjoy it as much as you can

P.S. NEW Cindy And The TV Show "Drivers License" Saturday March 12th at 7pm
P.S. NEW Lucky Lucy "Anniversary" Saturday March 12th at 730pm which has SPECIAL GUEST STAR Seth Hilton as Jade Masterson coming back.....
P.S. NEW In Reality "Ugly Doll" Saturday March 19th at 8pm
P.S. NEW Lucky Lucy "Back to School" Saturday March 26th at 730pm
P.S. Go Buy Seth Hilton's new single "Just Like Hollywood" CLICK HERE TO BUY


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