Saturday, January 8, 2011

FUN FACTs About: Camping

Ok so Tonight as you all know is "Very Veoh Terror Night" which 3 show's are going to be "Cindy And The TV Show" , "Lucky Lucy" and "In Reality" Tonight im going to give you FUN FACTs for Cindy And The TV Show, Pictures + Title (for next weeks episode being filmed) for Lucky Lucy, and In Reality FUN FACT's "JungleMatic" maybe. In this blog im going to be giving FUN FACT's for Cindy And The TV Show "Camping". Before we start i have to say a few things about this episode. This episode "Camping" is a Widescreen filmed episode so it will be shown in widescreen this is the second normal episode that is aired in Widescreen the first episode was in Season 1 the episode titled "HotShot" was also widescreen this is the second episode in widescreen. Also the Cindy And The TV Show TV Movie's are in widescreen as well. Now the second thing i wanted to tell about how the idea came up for this episode is that Veoh wanted a bunch of terror episodes for a Terror night they were planning for January all of last year so that's why this episode was made. When i first heard about this episode it was originally titled "Two People and One Forest" i wasn't into the title as much which then it was renamed the week were writing it to "Camping" then when it was being written the writer "Seth Hilton" wasn't into the idea and neither was I until we started writing which this is one of my Favourite episode this season of Cindy. So i hope you Enjoy!




(Scene 1)
  • In the opening scene of this episode the Whole Funny Random Comedy cast had to come down to the stage because Scooby has announcement.
  • In This scene i remember Bryan Wellonton the one who plays Scooby had problems saying his line ALOT of times! and same with Seth Hilton who plays Cindy and Tisa Lisa Martinez who played Lulu they had alot of troubles haha it's so funny though.
  • A Fact is that those bloopers from this episode will be put into an upcoming blooper bonus episode titled "Blooper-Sticious" which is going to be on an upcoming Cindy And The TV Show DVD coming in May. "Blooper-Sticious" most likely won't be put on the air but just as a DVD Bonus episode that we shot in August.
[Opening Credit's]

(Scene 2)
  • In the Second Scene this one was just a clip of a Sketch titled "Chop rate girls" a new Hey wassup girl sketch which i like that sketch and its one of the original sketches from Cindy And The TV Show.
  • Just by this scene you see this episode is already funny and its getting better by the minute haha so i hope you love all these sketches.
(Scene 3)
  • Ok so in this scene Seth was so funny and Nancy (Spidracula) was so funny because this scene Seth Hilton during the RUN-THRU got taken a spray bottle and i did a youtube video which i never put up of Seth getting scared and then Jemm Tedd went behind Seth and Jemm got sprayed with this purefume spray it was actually "febreeze" and he was like EWWWWW it was a Hilarious moment on set.
  • In this scene Cindy, Big bird, Lulu and Spidracula are basically packing up for the trip and Cindy taking forever its seriously funny.
(Scene 4)
  • Ok now this scene is the first scene where we go into the Trailer it is a very trashy trailer haha but its still awesome.
  • This episode has alot of off set stages which is very cool and the whole cast love's this episode due to filming outside of the normal set which is very fun. I Remember Linda, Dylan and Tisa having a small camp fire for the night scene's which i think is very cool and especially cause we filmed this episode in June 2010 so summer it was pretty fun.
  • This Scene is the first Cooh Cindy and Pooh scene which im pretty sure everyone will think this episode is getting even better
  • Also Lulu now meet's Pooh in the series so that's cool as well.
  • This Scene you will also see Tyler Vanhorn (Punkin) returns which we haven't seen him since the 15th episode "Opposite Day" so its basically the return of him.
(Scene 5)
  • Now this scene there is a bad memory to this scene for Seth Hilton because at the first RUN-THRU seth hilton had a light fall on his head and it seriously gave seth abit of head injury but he healed in one day so it was all good but it was one of Seth's worst days on set. But the next RUN-THRU for this episode Seth had the best one i remember him dancing and everyone being nice it was very sweet of the cast.
  • This scene is another Cooh scene so people will love it and we find out the last name's to all the character's at both Winnie the Pooh cast and Funny Random Comedy cast so watch out for that.
[Commercial Break]

(Scene 6)
  • Ok so now we are on Scene 6 this scene is a Cooh scene once again which is very interesting it is actually very funny.
  • This scene also Scooby says a Lady Gaga, Ke$ha, Adam Lambert, and Beyonce reference in it which people will find funny.
(Scene 7)
  • This scene is a Scene where it shows Lulu, big bird, Cindy, Pooh all going on a Camping Mission into the forest so its very cool we see alot of cool different sets such as under ground, caves, forest and much more.
  • Also "Go Girl Red" a song from Cindy And The TV Show Double sided soundtrack is playing.
(Scene 8)
  • This Scene is very Cooh like it has alot of Cooh Cindy and Pooh getting stuck in a tree and long grass.
  • But in this scene at the end Pooh has a problem which he might die from and only has 48 hours to live.
  • Cindy and Pooh get closer in this scene and it is one of my favourite Cooh scene's from Cindy And The TV Show of all time. This is one of my favourite scene's from the show and i like this because its at night so its very cool and if you didn't notice Cindy is wearing camo so it matches the episode very well.
[Commercial Break]

(Scene 9)
  • In this scene its a day after Cindy and Pooh are stuck in the forest its in the morning and Lulu tell's Scooby that two people are missing.
  • This Scene is another scene in the trailer
(Scene 10)
  • In the final scene Cindy and Pooh are still in the forest and its morning and there laying on the ground.
  • Cindy and Pooh then talk to each other and they finally get an understanding which can lead to more...
  • The rest of the Scene i don't want to spoil but its funny the ending is really awesome and this episode is Awesome.
Overall this episode is really amazing its one of my favourite's this season of Cindy so its on TONIGHT at 7pm on Veoh so make sure to watch "Camping" and also Lucky Lucy at 730pm "Sound of the Mall" and In Reality "JungleMatic" at 8pm so Make sure to watch ALL OF THOSE!


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